Reply To: Odg: Da li je dozvoljeno raditi kao policajac?


Ghuraba post=1115 wrote:

Na mnogim mestima su ashabi krili svoje vjerovanje,

Kaze Allah, subhanehu we te'ala, u prijevodu znacenja: “Kada budu uzimali duše onima koji su se prema sebi ogriješili, meleki će upitati: Šta je bilo s vama? Bili smo potlačeni na Zemlji – odgovoriće. – Zar Allahova Zemlja nije prostrana i zar se niste mogli nekud iseliti? – reći će meleki, i zato ce njihovo prebivaliste biti dzehennem, a uzasno je on boraviste.” (En-Nisa, 97)

Povod ovoga ajeta je bio sto je bilo ashaba koji su krili svoje vjerovanje od musrika u Mekki i nisu zeljeli da se isele iz Mekke u Medinu. Pa kada se dogodila bitka na Bedru, izasli su zajedno sa muskrickom vojskom. A oni koji su izginuli, Allah je za njih rekao da ce biti u Dzehennemu.

Iz ove situacije vidimo da covjek ne moze izaci ili biti u sklopu sa nevjernickom vojskom kako bi pomogli muslimane ili za dobrobit muslimana.Kada Allah govori za ashabe koji su izginili a bili na musrickoj strani, da ce biti u Dzhennemu.

Medzu njima je sejh Salih Munedzid i neki drugi dali su dozvolu za rad u policiji ovo su poznate fetve,

Daj nam dokaz odnosno fetvu.

Za vojsku u vecinom slucajeva je tako, no i ne kada pomazes jednu stranu koja je islamski gledano naklonjenija ka tebi, prema strani koja je veci zulumcar, ovo ima bezbroj objasnjena, jedna je ucestvo ashaba koji je pomogao Nedzasiju dok jos nije primio islam protiv one cafirske strane koja je radila veci zulum muslimana, znaci i ovde i ma isklujcaka,
Evo je fetva sejh Salih Munedzida, i napominjem nije jedina fetva, na engleskom je,halalite

I have a question regarding the permissibility of becoming a law enforcement officer in this country that does no follow sharee ‘ah. Is it haraam to be enforcing laws that have not been developed by our Creator Allaah and His holy Prophets (upon whom be peace)? Even if it means enforcing laws on non-Muslims?
Partciluarly, is it permissible to enforce a law like punishing someone for speeding on the highway? What about allowing someone to drink alcohol if he is over 21 but not if he is under 21? Even though this is not Islamic, should a Muslim allow such behaviour among non-Muslims? Of course, Muslims will be accountable for these haraam actions in the Hereafter, but is it okay to let non-Muslims do this?

Praise be to Allah.

If a Muslim is able, through such work, to fight evil and oppression, or to prevent or reduce it by using the existing laws which may contain something of justice and decency, then it is permissible if his intention is to seek the pleasure of Allah. He may do this work even if it involves preventing only some people – but not all – from getting drunk, for example.

But if it involves enforcing laws that are unjust to people – whether they are Muslim or not – or enforcing something that goes against the Sharee'ah, like preventing people from wearing hijaab or praying, or giving some kind of protection to criminals, and so on, then this is not permitted at all.

The wise and clever Muslim knows from experience to what extent his work is in accordance with the Sharee'ah that is based on the common good and on preventing corruption. And Allaah knows best.

Islam Q&A
Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid